Tuesday 4 April 2017

3-weeks old baby shot by an unknown gunman in Las Vegas, United states

3-week-old  baby Marcus Thomas Jr was killed after being struck by a bullet in the car park of an apartment building and another 22-year old was also injured when a gunman opened fire on the family Saturday.

The two were in the Chrysler sedan with a 19-year-old woman – who was driving – and two other children aged four and two. The vehicle was shot at couple of times.

Emergency services rushed to the scene after the driver of the car crashed in an attempt to flee the gunfire.

The baby was pronounced dead at the scene and the man was taken to hospital in a stable condition.

There’s currently no information on the suspects, who had fled the scene.

Police say the shooters and victims knew each other and the incident was not a random act of violence.

Speaking to newsmen, the boy’s cousin Ava Loftis said: ‘His dad was taking him [baby Marcus] out of the car seat when these cowards came and shot the car up.

‘It’s tearing me up. I can’t even sleep because I keep seeing this innocent itty bitty baby that couldn’t do nothing to nobody and he’s dead for no reason

‘I don’t know who would do this. Turn yourselves in. You just killed an innocent newborn baby. He didn’t even get to see two months of his life.’

Metro U.K.

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