Thursday 6 April 2017

Former Assemblies of God church leader led thugs to beat up pastors and destroy church properties in Enugu.

This is what EC Olumefo wrote about the leadership crises that have been rocking Assemblies of God church lately.  He alleged that the former leader of the church led some thugs to beat pastors and destroy some church properties. This is what he wrote,

The worst has just happened, the great London bridge has again fallen down as our former assistant general superintendent of Assemblies of God Nigeria, one Rev Chidi Okorafor ordered his hired tugs and Aguleri-boys to burn down every valuable property that belongs to Assemblies of God Nigeria in Enugu.

Ever since Chidi Okorafor forcefully invaded the National Secretariat, he ordered for the immediate pulling and  burning down of every valuable property that is worth millions of legal tender.

The great inferno is a horrible sight to behold with one's two necked eyes, it is appalling, inhuman and disheartening !!!

All the properties belonging to our student pastors, such as valuable cloths, shoes, travellers bags, women hand nags, rappers, coolers, bathing buckets, slippers, towels, bibles, handouts, dictionaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, mosquito nets, student foams, gallons, kitchen utensils just to mention but a few were all set ablaze.

They entered the office of the National Youths Director, Dr Paul-Nathan Udeze and pull down every valuable they saw anywhere, whether on the wall, on top tables, or anywhere, destroyed both wooden pictures, Dr Udeze cartoons of Bibles, money that was kept, every document that belongs to the General superintendent of Assemblies of God Nigeria, Rev Prof Paul Emeka were all set ablaze including his pictures and pulled down anything they needed to pull down without any iota of tempering justice with mercy.

These people are actually heartless and inhuman!

These people are ready to shed the blood of the innocent who ventures to cross any part of Enugu state.

Very serious uprising of a great inferno is still sighted burning even as we write now at Independence layout, Enugu state!!!

This is the man who said he would either lead the church or kill himself.

Another fresh battle line has just been added. No retreat, no surrender.

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